Category Archives: Seasons

First rain

First rain of the season

Yes, we’re final­ly get­ting a lit­tle rain. Just a gen­tle rain to start out the sea­son. It was very wel­come and I did­n’t even mind that it came down while I was swim­ming. Why should I?
I looked for a rain­bow, but it was appar­ent­ly down by the beach, out of view. Hap­py Fall!

Solstice float


Santa Barbara’s Wacky and Wild Summer Solstice Parade

Solstice flower girlfishman scary dancer
There are many who’s favorite sea­son is sum­mer. The warm lan­guid evenings, play­ing at the beach, walks with your dog, get­ting togeth­er with friends… what’s not to like?

One thing that San­ta Bar­bara is known for is cel­e­brat­ing sum­mer with the Sum­mer Sol­stice Parade. It’s wacky, it’s wild, it’s fun! And peo­ple come from miles around to ‘expe­ri­ence’ it.

I was in the parade the past two years (danc­ing, then singing), but this year I was a spec­ta­tor and able to get some fun shots of the parade and after par­ty at Alame­da Park, where there was food, live music and ven­dors sell­ing their wares long after the parade was over.

The theme for this year was “Crea­tures.” There were many great entries in the parade once again and it was a joy­ful way to greet sum­mer.