Santa Barbara’s Wacky and Wild Summer Solstice Parade

There are many who’s favorite season is summer. The warm languid evenings, playing at the beach, walks with your dog, getting together with friends… what’s not to like?
One thing that Santa Barbara is known for is celebrating summer with the Summer Solstice Parade. It’s wacky, it’s wild, it’s fun! And people come from miles around to ‘experience’ it.
I was in the parade the past two years (dancing, then singing), but this year I was a spectator and able to get some fun shots of the parade and after party at Alameda Park, where there was food, live music and vendors selling their wares long after the parade was over.
The theme for this year was “Creatures.” There were many great entries in the parade once again and it was a joyful way to greet summer.