Category Archives: New beginnings

Santa Claus Beach, photo by Donna Greene

Beachin’ it

Santa Claus Beach

My broth­er and sis­ter-in-law came to San­ta Bar­bara to drop off their ‘baby,’ Sarah, who is attend­ing UCSB. While they were here, we got some good time in at the beach, one of the things they miss most about mov­ing away many years ago. Here are a few cap­tures of the day.


Loon Point, photo by Donna Greene

New beginnings

Hap­py New Year! I took this pho­to on my walk New Year’s Day. I try not to go over­board on New Year’s res­o­lu­tions, but I do love a new begin­ning and the hope and promise that it inspires. Here’s to new begin­nings and being our best selves.